How Many Calories In Homemade Vegetable Soup

G’day, health-conscious folks! If you’re a fan of homemade vegetable soup and wondering about its calorie content, you’ve come to the right place. Homemade vegetable soup is not only delicious but also a nutritious way to enjoy a variety of veggies. Let’s explore the calorie count and nutritional benefits of this comforting soup.

The Calorie Content in Homemade Vegetable Soup

Homemade vegetable soup is a versatile dish, and its calorie content can vary based on the ingredients and cooking method. However, on average, a serving of homemade vegetable soup (approximately 1 cup or 250 milliliters) contains:

  • Calories: Around 50-100 calories
  • Protein: Approximately 2-5 grams
  • Fat: Around 0-3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 10-20 grams
  • Fiber: Approximately 2-5 grams

The calorie count can vary depending on the specific vegetables, broth or base used, and any additional ingredients such as grains or legumes. It’s important to keep in mind that homemade vegetable soup is generally low in calories and can be a great option for those watching their weight or looking for a nutritious meal.

Nutritional Benefits of Homemade Vegetable Soup

Homemade vegetable soup offers a wide range of nutrients, making it a healthy choice for your diet. Here are some potential nutritional benefits:

  • Fiber: Vegetables used in the soup provide dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health and well-being.
  • Hydration: Soup is a hydrating food option, especially when prepared with a broth base.
  • Low in Fat: Homemade vegetable soup is generally low in fat, making it a suitable choice for those following a low-fat diet.

Track Your Calorie Intake with calcount

If you’re keen on tracking your calorie intake and achieving your health goals, we recommend using the calcount Calorie Tracker. Our free online tool helps you keep track of your calories, monitor your nutritional intake, and make informed dietary choices. Take control of your nutrition journey and discover the calcount Calorie Tracker here.


Homemade vegetable soup is a nutritious and delicious choice that can vary in calorie content based on the ingredients used. On average, a serving of homemade vegetable soup contains around 50-100 calories. It offers an array of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and hydration benefits. Enjoy this comforting soup as part of a balanced diet.

Stay connected with calcount for more nutritional information and helpful resources. And don’t forget to check out the calcount Calorie Tracker to support your health and wellness journey.