How Many Calories In A Pint Of Lager

Enjoying a pint of lager can be a refreshing way to unwind, especially on a hot day or during social gatherings.
However, it’s important to be aware of the calorie content in your favorite brew. Let’s explore how many calories
are typically found in a pint of lager.

Calories in a Standard Pint of Lager

The calorie count in a pint of lager can vary depending on the brand and type of beer. On average, a standard pint
of lager (approximately 568 milliliters) typically contains around:

  • Calories: Approximately 180-220 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 15-20 grams
  • Alcohol Content: About 4-5% alcohol by volume

Please keep in mind that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the specific beer brand
and brewing process.

Lighter Lager Options

If you’re mindful of your calorie intake, you may want to consider lighter lager options or low-carb beers. These
varieties tend to have fewer calories while still delivering that crisp, beer flavor you enjoy.

calcount Calorie Tracker

If you’re interested in tracking your calorie consumption, including those from your favorite lagers, our calcount
Calorie Tracker is here to help. It’s a free and user-friendly tool that can assist you in monitoring your
nutrition. Get started

Remember, while a pint of lager can be a delightful treat, it’s essential to enjoy it responsibly and in moderation
to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


Nutrition Australia

US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health