How Many Calories In A Cup Of Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is a fragrant and delicious rice variety that’s a staple in many Asian cuisines. If you’re watching your calorie intake and wondering about the calories in a cup of jasmine rice, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the calorie content of jasmine rice and provide you with some useful insights.

Calories in a Cup of Jasmine Rice

The number of calories in a cup of jasmine rice can vary slightly based on factors like the brand and cooking method. However, on average, a 1-cup (about 240 milliliters) serving of cooked jasmine rice contains approximately 205 calories. It’s essential to note that this calorie count is for plain, cooked jasmine rice without any added fats or seasonings.

Jasmine rice is a type of long-grain rice that is renowned for its fragrance and slightly sticky texture when cooked. It’s commonly used in various dishes, including stir-fries, curries, and sushi.

Enjoying Jasmine Rice in Your Diet

Jasmine rice is a versatile and flavorful addition to your meals. Here are some tips for incorporating it into your diet:

  • Pair with Proteins and Veggies: Jasmine rice complements a wide range of proteins like chicken, tofu, or fish, and it pairs wonderfully with vegetables in stir-fries.
  • Control Your Portions: While jasmine rice is delicious, be mindful of portion sizes to manage your calorie intake effectively.
  • Try Brown Jasmine Rice: For a nuttier flavor and extra nutrients, consider switching to brown jasmine rice, which is a whole-grain option.

By enjoying jasmine rice in moderation and balancing it with other nutritious foods, you can savor its unique flavor without overindulging.

Track Your Caloric Intake with calcount

If you’re focused on maintaining a healthy diet and monitoring your calorie consumption, our calcount Calorie Tracker is a valuable tool. It’s a free resource designed to assist you in achieving your nutritional and fitness goals by tracking your calorie intake and staying accountable.


Jasmine rice is a delightful and aromatic rice variety that can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. With approximately 205 calories per cup, it’s a versatile ingredient that you can use in various culinary creations. Remember to use the calcount Calorie Tracker to help you stay on track with your nutritional objectives.