Calories in Macro Natural Almond Kernels

We’ve cracked this one for you to reveal awesome Aussie almonds that are a source of protein and fibre. Whizz them up in a blender to create a crunchy crumb or spicy dukkah or toss them in a salad for an added bite!

Grab a healthy handful of 20 nuts as a snack on the go.

Fibre for a happy gut (As part of a healthy balanced diet.).

Naturally gluten free.

No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Vitamin E is effective in protecting cells (As part of a healthy balanced diet).

Discover how to use this product in a recipe here

Macro Natural Almond Kernels Ingredients

Natural Almonds (100%)

Macro Natural Almond Kernels Allergens

Almonds, Tree Nuts Peanuts, Soybean, Tree Nuts

Macro Natural Almond Kernels Origin

Macro Natural Almond Kernels is Product of Australia and can be found in the Health & Wellness department at Woolworths in Australia.

Compare to Other, Similar Foods

You might want to compare this food's nutrition values with these related foods:

A Note about How Many Calories there are:

Thanks for choosing calcount to find out how many calories there are in Macro Natural Almond Kernels! The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.